PLEA Community Services Society of BC

PLEA is an accredited, charitable community services organization that has operated throughout BC for more than 40 years.

We deliver community-based services and specialized supported home to children, youth, adults and families facing significant challenges in their lives. We continually adapt our programs to suit each individual’s diverse strengths, needs and circumstances. As a result, we have a strong
reputation for helping those we serve to overcome the challenges they face and lead fulfilling lives.

What started as an entrepreneurial passion to change the path of youth who were already interacting with the justice system, has become a full spectrum of social services designed to support participants to avoid, overcome and recover from the most complex of circumstances. Our work now spans child welfare, addictions, health, justice and community living systems.

With each new program and service, our team has continued to do what they do best – meet participants where they are at. They use creative solutions to engage and build relationships, support participants to ‘see what’s possible’, and encourage them to take the necessary steps to get there. We have become adept at learning and staying curious. We do this through training, but also by learning about the lives and experiences of those we care for. This creative front-line work is supported with rigor behind the scenes; we have modernized technology, structures, governance, processes, and policies, all of which are founded in evidence-based best practice.

Our team includes more than 230 employees, 160 family caregivers, 180 respite workers and 190 volunteers. The number of lives we directly touch every year is counted in the tens of thousands.

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